CLOSED: Orange Accents

Yumbo, Colombia

What is this color coordinated character?

Thumbnail by PitterCol
Minot, ND

It's a wasp in the family Pompilidae known as a tarantula hawk, The females hunt down and paralyze tarantulas with their sting, and then drag the spider back to its burrow and lays her egg on it. When the larva hatches, it feeds on the still living tarantula, For more details, see

This message was edited Aug 17, 2020 7:48 AM

Yumbo, Colombia

Thank you. That had crossed my mind but I'd never seen one at night or so close. I had an employee who was far more fearful of the sting of one of those than the local scorpions. They rank way up there on the sting index. I have seen it dragging it's prey to the hole. Lucky for me they are docile. It banged into me as it flew about never becoming aggressive.

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