eating my seedlings

Shell Knob, MO

I feel like I've been doing this long enough (better than 20 years) that I shouldn't have to look for help on this, but here we are.

I am growing amaranth greens (Chinese spinach) for the first time this year. As it turns out EVERYTHING eats them. EVERYTHING.

Okay. Maybe not everything. But leaf eaters obviously adore them.

My first planting (different raised bed) looked like swiss cheese by the time I brought it in. And only a few survived. I liked the flavor. And I'd like to grow more.

I've added two raised beds in the semi-shaded end of the garden specifically to raise greens in. Swiss chard in one and amaranth in the other. These are new bags of soil, compost, etc.

Nothing likes Swiss chard, thank God. But something has methodically eaten the tops off of all the amaranth seedlings--all but a single clump that will probably be gone tomorrow. They are under a row cover (hooped). I've used DT (garden organically). I can't find any obvious signs of insects in the bed. I had an issue in a different bed earlier in the summer with termites (new problem for me), so I expected that to be the problem here too. But I can't find any if there are.

I would like to replant before it gets too cold for them (zone 6, SW MO), but am pondering whether it's worth it.

DT is my go-to solution for all leaf eaters and I've never had it fail me. So I'm seriously puzzled. I don't have any neem oil, but I'm not opposed to using it. Just not anxious to spend the money if it's not going to work anyway.

What am I missing?

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

I know weevils can be a problem with amaranth but that doesn't sound like the issue here.. just to clarify, something is getting under the row covers to eat your amaranth? and you aren't seeing any pests? does it happen at night only?. I would think Bunny or deer except for the row covers

edited to add that at my house the swiss chard looks like swiss cheese :(

This message was edited Aug 14, 2020 12:11 PM

FRANCE, Argentina

Nothing likes Swiss chard, thank God. But something has methodically eaten the tops off of all the amaranth seedlings--all but a single clump that will probably be gone tomorrow. They are under a row cover (hooped). I've used DT (garden organically). I can't find any obvious signs of insects in the bed. I had an issue in a different bed earlier in the summer with termites (new problem for me), so I expected that to be the problem here too. But I can't find any if there are.

This message was edited Aug 14, 2020 10:19 AM

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