How to grow and care for Spurflower Plants

Melfa, VA

The Spurflower plant is a shrubby plant from the mint (Lamiaceae) family. This plant is a fast-growing shrubby plant that can reach a mature height of about six to eight feet. The thick, velvety stems support plump, pale grey-green leaves with intense purple undersides. The showy, bluish-purple flowers bloom throughout much of the season, depending on the climate.

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Dhaka, Bangladesh

I have read your article and your article is really awesome!

Santarem, SA

The ingenious way that certain other fungi fire spores into the atmosphere in order to reproduce has been mimicked by a team of engineers and fungal biologists. These organisms disperse billions or even trillions of spores so that enough land in a suitable environment for them to reproduce.

This message was edited Aug 26, 2021 8:20 PM

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