Fusarium Rot on Star Gladiolus?

Argyle, TX

Please provide advice on my diagnosis and how to treat the problem to protect my other plants.

Attached are photos of star gladiolus I planted back in spring. They have never flowered or shown any signs of flowering. The leaves in some places are yellow with black dots. I pulled a couple of them up to look at the corms and took pictures of those as well. My suspicion is that they are infected with fusarium rot. Does this look like an accurate diagnosis?

In that area, I have some flourishing dwarf Mexican Petunia and some liatris spicata that has already bloomed. My daffodil bulbs are in that area too. I hate to dig up my healthy plants. Should I? Should I treat the soil so I can plant again in the area? (I don't intend on planting any gladiolus or a relative.) If so, how?

Thanks from a learning gardener!

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