I have a small city or suburban lot. (14 votes, 43%) | |
I have an acre or more. (4 votes, 12%) | |
I have five acres or less. (5 votes, 15%) | |
I have a balcony or patio (2 votes, 6%) | |
I live on a farm, so as much as I want to take care of (2 votes, 6%) | |
I have containers (1 votes, 3%) | |
I have houseplants (1 votes, 3%) | |
Other (Tell us!) (3 votes, 9%) | |
How much land do you have for gardening?
There are a total of 32 votes:
No place in dropdown menu to say I have a balcony plus indoor potted plants and a paludarium. When I get better at planting and computering I plan to upload images.