Pests on My Corn Leaves...?

Yuma, AZ

Anyone know what did this? Any help appreciated.
I am in Yuma Arizona and have a good knowledge base on growing but not on pests, insects, or diseases.

Thumbnail by DesertMax Thumbnail by DesertMax
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Probably corn billbugs.

Yuma, AZ

You know, I saw bugs that I first thought were stink bugs on my patio. In looking up "Billbugs," I'm pretty sure that is what I was looking at. Thanks for pointing that out. Now for how to get rid of them in the garden??? M

Yuma, AZ

How about using diatomaceous earth to treat corn billbugs???

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Since corn is one of the few vegetables I don't grow I can't recommend a treatment. With only one generation a year can you reduce the population with hand picking into a cup of soapy water? Otherwise you may want to consider this year's corn a trap crop and get rid of the plants. Crop rotation is the recommended control.

Years ago, when organic gardening magazines and books came on the scene, diatomaceous earth became a garden pest control staple. They didn't specify "food grade" and suggested purchasing at the local pool supply store. I've been wary ever since. Good luck!

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