What do you do with left-over seeds?

Birmingham, United Kingdom

I seem to have an awful lot of left over flower seeds that I don't need. Any suggestions as to what to do with them?

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

Marigold, You could offer them for SASE. I know USA stamps are useless to you in England (unless you want to get seeds from someone offering seeds for SASE - Self Addressed Stamped Envelope - in the USA)

I am in Canada and what I did to overcome the problem of getting a whole bunch of USA stamps is I offered 10 packages of seeds for a USA $1.00 bill (money), I had over 50 people wanting my seeds. I had pre-packaged them before I offered them for SAE plus $1.00 (Self Addressed Envelope and $1.00 for postage)

As you are overseas you could offer your seeds at 5 packages for $1.00 USA or whateever amount of packages that would cover your postage cost.

If you elect to go this route, make SURE you STRESS they send you a 'Self Addressed Envelope' and Legal Size (4 1/8" x 9 1/2"), I had lots of people who did not send envelopes and was such a hassel trying to disypher their handwriting to type up an envelope to send the seeds to them, also cost me in envelopes. Plus some people sent envelopes that were so large I would have had to pay extra for oversize letter rate!

P.S. What seeds do you have? I could send you $1.00 USA for postage for seeds. Let me know what you have

This message was edited Monday, Mar 12th 11:06 AM

You can always swap them - if you don't want more seeds, perhaps there's something else (not bulky) that you'd like.

You could offer them for a UK sae here.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Marigold send them all to me Ho Ho

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

Or Marigold you could phone your local school, if the seeds are easy to germinated and fun flowers, the local Kindergarten might be pleased to have seeds for the kids.

Also the Brownies or Girl Guides, an Old Folks Home or your local church.

But think of me first!

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