If you're afraid to open e-mails (in outlook)

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I see a lot of people are too afraid to open any unfamiliar e-mails. I know on out look I can do this...... but if you have a different e-mail maybe you can't. As long as your preview pane is turned off you'll have to double click the letter to open it. If you have an un-opened, and unfamiliar letter in your box you can right click the letter and to the bottom of the menu click properties. On the properties pane there's a details tab on top - click that. This gives you all the message headers and the message path mumbo jumbo. Underneath that there's a tab for "message source" - Click that. Again you have all the message headers.....but if you scroll past all that ....the actual message is at the bottom. You can read what the letter is - what it's about - and you can tell if it's a Spam letter offering you the best loan rates in the country or if it's an innocent trader looking for Shasta daisy seeds.

The horro e-mails that were java scripted to open the those sites looked like this -

script language=JavaScript
window.open(http;//sick porn site.da.ru','screen','fullscreen');

The actual http address can be anything because we know that he's changed it several times. (I changed the http name because of the 4 letter words in the link). I also left out some of the <> tags to keep from showing an actual link.

That is what you want to avoid and I hope that some of you can feel a little easier about opening your e-mails.

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