When do You cut back Mums?

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

When do all of you cut back your Mums?
I've heard Good Friday, Memorial Day and 4th of July does that sound about right?

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi Paul
There was a thread on this some time ago.
Hope it helps.

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Thanks Jody


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Paul, I don't quite follow any regime... I think it depends on local growing conditions.

I just cut mine back 3 times, looking for growth/buds. The better I cut them back, the bushier they get, and so, more flowers. Here in zone 6b, that usually means early June, very late June, and mid to late July. There are times I have cut them back 4X.... I try not to cut anymore after mid-August or I may not have any flowers.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Here in NE Texas....I cut mine back in February and again after their initial bloom period in May-June for reblooming in Oct.-Nov. They bloom late spring to early summer and look fantastic with nasturtiums trailing thru them!


Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

I always heard keep they cut back to about 4 inches till 4th of july....and plant your garlic on Columbus day(incase anyone wanted to know) and Christmas is ALWAYS Dec.25th...but easter is different everyyear....lolololo....(sorry)

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Paul, we raise thousands at the green house. We stop pinching completely by July 20th. It really depends on which variety you have and your climate,some varieties are 6,7 or 8 week flowering from last pinch. I tell my customers to let them bloom in the spring (which most of the new vaireties wil do) and then cut them back, even using a weedeater is okay, and then pinch again before July 4th (it's easier to remember this date) and enjoy blooms again in the fall. I also tell customers (this is remommended by Yoder Bros. Mums) to leave the stems on all winter and use a rake to rake them off in the spring. Hope I haven't totally confused you.

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