Drying/Gathering Clover Seeds

Marietta, GA

This should be an easy Newbie question for most of you but sorry, I don't know the answer and wanted to ask the question. First, a quick history -
This past Spring the Trifolium Species White Clover/White Dutch Clover started growing in my back yard in 3 little patches about the size of a basketball hoop. In 22 years living here there has never been any clover in the yard so it was nice surprise to see these huge clovers growing. It was even more of a surprise to see how many huge 4 Leaf Clovers it produced. There was even one 6 leaf and two 5 leaf;s that were found. In total there were over 40 in two months. I didn't know how to gather, dry, or process the seeds so I'm hoping the plants come up again next year.

1/ what's the best way to gather/process/dry the seeds? 2/ are the seeds generally wanted by other people here at DG or are they considered an invasive plant/weed? I'm wondering if the mutation is still there and am guessing it is. All three patches disappeared but they might be back in Spring or fall once we get more rain and less heat. Thanks, Schmidlap

Thumbnail by Schmidlap Thumbnail by Schmidlap Thumbnail by Schmidlap Thumbnail by Schmidlap
Marietta, GA

never mind I found the answer....put the flowers in a paper bag and let them dry. Then shake out the seeds. I didn't do any of that but maybe they will come back again in the spring. I could have kept the seeds with the four leaf mutation and blew it.

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