How effective are the Ultrasonic Deer repellers?

Amherst, VA

I have tried Liquid fence, geraniums, "Deer-resistant" plants all failed to keep deer off my garden.
Yesterday I went out to my ravaged garden and saw the deer had eaten all my Hosta's. They have destroyed my Stella D'oro, knockout roses, Asiatic lilies, geraniums, patients etc etc. It is very frustrating to spend all the time preparing with cuttings, and seeds, in hopes of having a nice flower garden, to see the deer destroy it.
Has anyone had any luck with the ultrasonic devices I see advertised on Amazon?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

The principle of ultrasonic repellers is that they emit sounds at wavelengths animals can hear, but people can't. The only problem with deer is that they hear in a different range so studies have shown them not to be effective against deer.

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