Is this plant in a Barcelona (Spain) backyard sick?

Moorestown, NJ(Zone 6b)

While vacationing in Barcelona, Spain, I noticed this plant (picture attached) having some holes on the leaves, and I was wondering if someone can help me sort out whether it is the result of acid rain, or some parasitic infestation. In this latter case, is there any easy fix? Thank you!

Thumbnail by betulo
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Trim off damaged leaves or "ugly" leaves. This is a peace lily that will put out new leaves anyway.

It looks like some kind of caterpillar feeding or possible shredding from falling debris (pine cones, small limbs, possible hail but it would be worse than that in this case).

Moorestown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thank you very much!

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