Quick question about callery pear

Amelia Court House, VA(Zone 7b)

Today I noticed a pear tree growing at the end of my driveway but the good feeling was quickly dashed after identifying it as a callery pear but perhaps I can make lemonade from a lemon.

Can this be used as root stock? When it gets bigger? Currently only about 4 feet tall.

Meaning I can "undwarf" a pear tree if I wanted?

Trenton, NJ

Hi efbobby,
I don't ever recall seeing variety European pears sold on Callerypear rootstock. So, there's probably a good reason not to try that. Chop it out, roots and all. There is a cultivar, 'Bradford', used in landscaping, and usually pruned as a dense multistemmed standard. But: 1) the branches are then weak and may split in heavy wind, and 2) it flowers heavily, and the flowers stink. Suggestion: plant a couple of fireblight-resistant grafted European pears, and wait!

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