Night scent stock dying repeatedly

Graham, WA

Hi there,

I'm hoping to get some help with my night scented stock. I was so excited to get the seeds, but everytime I get to about 2 weeks or so in (when they've grown an inch and have two leaves) they flop over and die.

For more info: I'm growing them in small start containers from old pasta boxes. I'm using potting soil from Fred Meyers, and I have a heat lamp maybe 6 ft above them (im growing them indoors).

I've tried adjusting their watering (watered a bit more when I saw they had flopped, and they perked up again), It helped at first, but then they still died (it prolonged them maybe two days more than before).

I've also tried adjusting the light, trying less hours during the day, and then tried more hours during the day. Neither seemed to help.I have them close to the slider door and my zone is zone 8, probably 8b.

the first picture is of the setup I have, the second is of the flowers, almost dead (the second batch to die).

Any ideas on how to keep these guys alive?

Thumbnail by BeetleBeth Thumbnail by BeetleBeth

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