Best varieties for flavor, please!

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 7a)

Been a while since I checked in here (What happened to gardenweb since houzz took over? That place is dead...) and have had some garden wins and a lot of losses.

I'm also pretty frustrated, and that's what brings me here. It's partly my fault for buying Big Box Store garden plants. They might look good, but they never seem to taste very good, they grow like weeds, produce too little, and leave you disappointed. So what I'd really like is input from everyone on what their favorites are for *flavor*. I don't care how they look. I don't care if they're gigantic. I want to know what experience says tastes the best. If this thread takes off, I'll come back and combine votes for what seems most popular and edit the post for top items. Please *don't* post where they can be purchased. I don't need social media manipulators popping in to pump some hybrid available for purchase on some seed site. We all have google and can look up where to buy stuff if we need to.

That said, I'd like to know for myself which varieties are best for these. I'm ripping out my garden and restarting. They hardware store strawberries have overrun everything, the blackberries are bland and bitter, and I have no idea what the squash was supposed to look like because it refused to grow anything but flowers.

Gooseberries (red or green)
Currants (black)
Ground Cherries
Butterscotch Melon (or just a damn good melon)

Heirloom varieties, if possible! I'm in Zone 7.

Thanks for any input.

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