Looking for fast growing fruit and berries that are hard to mess up

Metairie, LA

I am new to gardening and this season will be my second. I mostly want to grow things that either can't be bought locally or cost a lot and are fast growing. I would not be interesting in something that will take 3+ years to produce. I would just buy this plant instead to save a significant amount of time.

Plants I started from seed are dwarf and strawberry papaya, rough lemon, Hawaiian supersweet corn, lemon balm, rosemary, pacific beauty calendula, italian lavendar, romanesco broccoli, mountain mint, aji strawberry drop pepper, sugar rush cream pepper & parisienne carrot.

Plants I bought and have growing are blueberry and arabica coffee.

Seeds currently waiting to sprout or about to start very soon are dwarf arabica coffee, pink velvet bannana, black raspberry, juneberry, custard apple, sugar apple, cherimoya, earth almond and bannana carob.

I know some of those will take a while, but I really like the annona plants. I tried a cherimoya from whole foods and it was amazing, but cost 9$ each. I already spend way too much buying dekopans.

Any recommendations on new things to try out?

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