Does anyone know anything about this plant?

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I'm thinking about buying this, but I can't find any information on it. Anybody know anything about it?

This message was edited Saturday, Apr 6th 8:37 AM

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I'm thinking about it. I've looked at all the garden sites I can find and can't find anymore info on it. Maybe the botanical name is wrong. What I would really like to know is if it blooms all summer or only for a little while. I like plants that bloom for a long time. Might be worth a try though. Yes, it is beautiful and hardy zones 3-8. You gotta love it for that alone, right? LOL!

This message was edited Saturday, Apr 6th 8:36 AM

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I grew this from seed last year. It started blooming by the end of summer. It looks very similar to a malva but with fewer blooms. The leaves are maple shaped. Seymour's Selected Seeds also sells the seeds if you miss out on the auction. The plants supposedly get huge - 10 feet tall and as wide. I dug my plant out and tossed it when I found out how big it would get. I didn't want it hogging the space.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

if not mistaken, this could be the same plant only difference is the flower color.

edited to add more link

This message was edited Friday, Dec 7th 6:32 AM

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

heck here for info:


Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

KITAIBELIA VITIFOLIA is the correct name. It's a member of the malvaceae family. Not much more available on the web than you already know.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

If you're looking for all summer blooms - I'd go for malva moschata. There's white or a pink one and they bloom much more prolificly. Malva sylvestris is a great bloomer too. Both are short-lived here but they re-seed abundantly. The kitaibelia blooms were very sporadic - I didn't think it was very showy for the space it needs. It'd make a nice background plant but it's not a traffic stopping bloomer.

This message was edited Friday, Dec 7th 6:57 AM

A friend grew this plant and would agree with you there Poppy. Perhaps it is grown more for its novelty value as its not widley grown here in the UK at least.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Thank you for all the information and links. I'm going to be looking them all up tonight when I get home from work. You guys are great!

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