White Fusion Calathea Curling and Drying

Canberra, Australia

Hi everyone, I just got this white fusion Calathea and no matter how much I trim the dried leaves of this plant, it still curls in. It seems to also be getting a very small furry layer on the curled area (like a fungal infection possibly?).

I started wiping the leaves down with soapy water and baking soda and making sure the affected areas were cut off but no joy.

I thought maybe I was over misting it so I've also stopped doing that. Humidity sits about 50% so I don't think it has to do with low humidity either.

Any suggestions?

Thumbnail by Kloo
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I have never grown a Calathea so with that in mind.....
How hot is it where you are? If too hot, the leaves curl. If the humidity is low, the leaves brown. 50% humidity is not very high. Calathea love high humidity.

Also baking soda is a salt and can burn leaves. The other day I read a post from a gal sprayed her plants with it and they all burned. So beware of the strength and the frequency.

If it were my plant, I would put it in a closed plastic bag, out of the sun, out of the heat and see if it perks up. Make sure the soil is not too wet when bagged.

This message was edited Jan 22, 2019 9:16 PM

Canberra, Australia

Thanks Kell - it has been quite hot recently so that might be it! As long as it hasn't gotten a disease of some sort, then I can rest easy :)

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