Fig weakness

Perth, Australia

Hi all!

I’m a gardening newbie and I do have only a balcony for this!

Anyway I got this fig tree in a pot and is always quite weak, see pics.
Not sure if it needs more or less water?
Balcony faces west but there are walls at the sides, so the direct sunlight is in here from 12pm till sunset. Any issues?
Also, the soil is an old (say 3years) mix of compost, potting mix, and some sand in the very bottom. would it be worth to change?

Last summer it managed to produce about 5 figs which did not ripe completely, but then had a severe shock loosing all the leaves for some reasons.

Thanks in advance for any hints.


Thumbnail by ginop Thumbnail by ginop


Fig tree just loves rainwater, so I would recommend you to give such water.

Perth, Australia

I actually found out that the pot was packed with roots (rootbound?), so I trimmed them a bit, put some pebbles on the bottom for drainage, and added some fresh soil.
Fingers crossed

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