Siting pond, advice please

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

I'm wanting to create a pond in my French hilltop garden. To minimise evaporation and have electricity for a pump, I was thinking of putting it next to my large outbuilding which probably dates from the middle ages.
In the photo, the near wall is north facing hence a good source of shade. It gets sunshine until about 10am then again from 2pm till 5. To the right of the photo there is a small thicket of elder and hazel. I can bring (transformed) electricity from the outhouse.
I plan, also, to put up a gutter and downspout to utilize rainwater in the pond, which will allow an overflow farthest from the outhouse and a big garden adjacent.
Size and shape?? I thought either oval about 8' by 10' or heart-shaped wrapping around the angle of the building, roughly the same size.
The ground looks as if it slopes down away from the corner and away from the 'front' wall, but it seems only to be about 2 or 3 degrees according to my digital spirit level.

Could anyone kindly advise on either of these two 'solutions'.

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

Sorry, the photo didn't upload.

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

Davesgarden says 'undefined', dunno why, but no photo available via Android, it seems.

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

Hope this works. Fifth attempt!!

Thumbnail by cinemike

Attempt and position the lake with the goal that it is protected from cold winning breezes and gets daylight for around 50% of the day, as this empowers the development and blooming of most water plants - particularly lilies.

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