
Hello Again,
New gardener here. Should I be fertilizing my tomato,pepper, and herb gardens? If so, what should I use? I was reading that many fertilizers cause run off that effects water quality. I would want something that is organic and eco friendly. Thanks!!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Where are you located? Different areas mean diff uses, are your plants in containers? In the ground? In a raised bed? Or in a hydroponics system? Is your area desert, tropical or plains? The fertilizer should supply the nutrients those vegs need, but they will also be using those nutrients. Even if you are in a protected watershed, other plants will use the fertilizer nutrients left behind. I guess I should also ask if you have a city garden, or a country garden. Everything then depends on if the plant actually needs that fertilizer or if its because you expect you need it. Do you have pix of your plants to show us so we can help you with your query?

Thanks for the quick reply! I am located in the Northeast United States, in a suburban area. I have tomato plants, bell peppers plants, and herbs growing in three barrel planters. I will post pictures of the plants. I had posted them in a separate post, because I'm having some issues with them.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

I saw them. Touch or click on your name and go to your member page. Edit that and others will be able to help better when they find your planting zone and area. NE is far different from the PNW (Pacific Northwest) but has same zones...

This message was edited Jul 11, 2018 9:44 AM

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