JULY Challenges, Projects & Organizing Ourselves, everyone welcome!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Moved us over from here


How on earth did we get to July so quickly??

Pat, Lordy girl, not a wonder you are tired, hoping you were able to get some rest without the pain waking you..

I laid 26 rolls of sod near fencing yesterday, hope I don’t kill it as it looks pretty nice, finishes off another corner..think both you and I are almost caught up, wouldn’t that be grand?

Susan is just starting her reno’s, have patience Susan, lots of work..

Girls decided they weren’t coming today seeing as they stayed in most of the weekend due to heat so will get some things done this morning instead of coming,,I’m excited about that as I really wasn’t into it.

Soim working on a project for my sister and justmight get some quilting on my cousin Gary’s quilt that is on the frame..we will see just how much energy I have

Are you all off today because of July 4th?

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