Invasive/Non-Invasive Passion Vine

Saint Augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

Is there such a thing as a Non-invasive Passion Vine. I love this vine for the butterflies that come to it but even with ground cloth and in a pot--the fruit taken by critters large and small sent this vine spreading throughout my garden. Had to dig them all out--no easy task for their root system. I am going to try again regardless but just wondered the one big question: Is there a Non-Invasive Passion Vine variety? Silly question considering the fruit thing but have to ask. :)

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

What passion flower species do you have? They are all edible as far as I know but all don't taste great. P. incarnata is typical in my area (thus the Maypop moniker). Though somewhat invasive they host a Gulf fritillary butterfly population throughout summer. I limit the spread by removing the fruit early on. My kids used to eat the seeds but I think it was mostly out of boredom. They would also sling shot the fruit.

The one most commonly grown for fruit is P. edulis. It's a zone 9 tropical so you'll need a greenhouse in London. Like not worth the work. They need to be harvested when fully ripe as they don't ripen off the vine. I grew up in a 10b zone and only die hard gardeners grew passion fruit or pomegranates. Lots of citrus, avocados, papayas and mangoes though.

Burt, NY

Passion vine is an invasive vine that grows exceptionally quickly. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a non-invasive passive vine. However, if you like this wine, you should look into the best ways to care for it and manage its invasive character.

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