Anyone still around?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Anyone still around this forum? Guess life got in the way :/ haven't been able to garden as much as I would like

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

There hasn't been much activity lately either in this forum or in the garden. The darn weather just won't warm up enough to plant things.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

crazy weather for sure! 1 nice day I was able to clean out a bed and a half and then the next day it was back to winter :(

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

HI! I've been chatting less and using what time I have to garden with one arm. I finally got the rotator cuff surgery on my dominant shoulder. The doc says I'll be in full action again in July. Mostly I am developing conifer and shrub beds, blueberries in pots and the occasional succulent bowl. DH has helped or everything would be a thicket by now. With less apparent interest, I haven't been posting in DG. It is finally looking like spring here, and the rain makes planting look promising.

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Lovely spring around here, but I've had to get up at 5:30 to try to find out where a woodchuck lives. He/she ate most of the leaves off of all my newly purchased delphiniums (newly purchased because all but two died over the winter - tough location by a wall... too wet during thaw, I think.) Interestingly, he/she ate the 6 newly purchased lettuces I added to my patch and didn't touch the older ones.

Old Saybrook, CT(Zone 6b)

I first joined here in 2005 but haven’t been here in years. Spent a lot of years on those OTHER forums but took a break there as well for various reasons. Went back recently and found that they have changed a lot, seems like the garden forums especially are not nearly as active as they used to be at one time. So I thought I’d come back here and see what’s going on.
Recently moved and left behind perennial and shrub borders that I’d worked on for 15 years. Starting over in a new place, not quite from scratch. 2 POs ago there was a gardener here and a few things survived the intervening non-gardener who took out much of the garden. Will try to share my progress as I go along and I’m sure I’ll have lots of questions. I’d say I have 25 years experience but sometimes it’s more like I have one year’s experience 25 times, lol.

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

     Welcome back Saypoint from a near neighbor. I had a similar pain at leaving favorite plantings when I moved 18 years ago. Made too many trips with the car full of dug up divisions in pots and ended up overplanting. I should have just started from scratch. Your great comment about 25 years experience also sounds too familiar!

Old Saybrook, CT(Zone 6b)

Hey Don. We moved in January after a very quick sale and purchase, a whole 3 blocks away from our old house. No opportunity to dig anything, and I’m trying to keep it simple to cut down on the massive maintenance I had at the old place. Our new yard is 1/3 the size of the old one, which is OK with me.

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

      Not too late to start a few plants in containers. Pinetree just sent me a suggested list of
veggies for late season gardening. I didn't need it, but here's the link if you are interested:

This message was edited Aug 2, 2018 12:42 PM

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

After finally trapping two woodchucks and bombing two holes they disappeared. Garden recovered, but broccoli was never fructious. Best tomato year ever, and for the first time that I can remember we conquered the few squash bugs that appeared. Hand picking and Spinosad. Too hot and humid to cook the harvest this week.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi. I am just starting over with a new year in Cape Cod. I especially hope the cape codders are still around. I am planning a lot of ilex opaca cultivars for the borders.

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

I'm back after a year or more absence. I came back to ask a question about why my hibiscus buds are falling off (see Ask a Gardener.... or Ask a Dave's Gardener... or????)

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hibiscus buds drop in low humidity or because of uneven watering. They are sold in a loose potting medium which tends to dry out quickly at the top even when there is water in the drainage tray. They are generally fussy indoor plants outside of warmer environments where homes have higher humidity in winter.

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