What are my light conditions?

El Cerrito, CA


Our home has a small back garden which is essentially a concrete patio with a garden border around the perimeter. Most parts of the garden get direct sunlight or dappled sunlight for some part of the day. It's hard to say how much exactly, but it seems the sun moves quickly over the garden with most parts being in direct sunlight for only an hour or up to a few hours. The garden borders (I believe) are west facing, south facing, and north facing. I've thought this may constitute part-sun conditions, but some plants that were intended for part-sun grew leggy or kind of loppy - leaning in this and that direction, presumably chasing the sun. Some part-sun plants have done less than ideal, where others, such as snapdragons and iceberg rose, did just fine.

Any idea what type of light conditions this may be? Would this indeed be part sun, or would it be safer to use plants for full shade, despite that the area does get some direct sunlight?

I've attached a couple photos from last summer to show that some sun-flowing plants did do quite well.

Thank you!!

This message was edited Apr 14, 2018 8:22 PM

This message was edited Apr 14, 2018 8:23 PM

Thumbnail by tanyusha2815 Thumbnail by tanyusha2815
Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

You have partial shade, I believe 6 hrs of sun is what conditions call for on partial sun. Take note on which plants grew leggy - they need more full sun. Veggies even in the southern USA can take all day sun. We have what is considered brutal but necessary sun while the plants can get it. Cerritos Ca, I believe I have been there, ice plant thinks its native to Ca, so I know it does well there

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