Need input from bulb growers!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Did you know we've recently added a new feature to DG, allowing you to share your opinions on sources for bulbs, as well as other garden plants and supplies?

Please take a minute to check it out: Then add your rating and a comment to the companies you've dealt with, and add the companies you buy from that aren't listed yet. A few bulb sources have already found their way into the feature, but I figure you-all really know "who's who" among bulb growers, and that makes your input very important.

Your opinions can help steer new customers to your favorite sources, and prevent disappointments for others who may be contemplating purchses from a company you've had problems with.

Thank you GV' Sis'

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)


How do I add a new company?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Scroll down to the bottom of the "watchdog" page. You'll see a link that says "add a new company". It's pretty self-explanatory (I think) from there on out. But if you run into a snag, just holler!

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