Need input from the UK gardeners, please!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

We've recently added a new feature to DG, allowing you to share your opinions on sources for garden plants and supplies.

Please take a minute to check it out: Then add your rating and a comment to the companies you've dealt with, and add the companies you buy from that aren't listed yet. I'd especially encourage you to add your input on the non-U.S. companies that you have dealt with, since I suspect that most Americans don't often purchase from companies outside our country.

Your opinion matters so much: it can send new customers to your favorite sources, and prevent disappointments for others who may be contemplating purchses from a company you've had problems with.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I registered with DG yesterday so am a greenhorn rather than greenfingers. i put up a recommendation, on the Garden Watchdog,for a good UK organic supplier, but thought it might be a good thing to post it in the organic forum too. I see many people put in hyper links and am sure i've seen how on my travels round the site, but now can't find the instructions. Can you help please?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Philomel! Nice to see you, to see you nice!!!!
I suggest you go to Forums, then click on Daves' Garden Forum. Open a new thread, call it Yoohoo Dave or something similar. Dave usualy answers all questions within a day or two. He's a first-rate webmaster, terrific.
Or you could go to the Computer Forum and post a thread there.
Dave probably has a Help Page somewhere too.
This is a good website, have been here a year now.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks Northerner, i'll give Dave a try - was wondering if that was the best thing to do.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

It worked thanks Northerner, as you probably saw on chat line. Nice talking to u on that, but need to do it a few more times to have any chance of keeping up with it all!!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Philomel!! yeah, great talking to you. Only my second time on chat, slightly late in the evening for me - gotta be up promptly most days - on holiday from uni this week. See you again though sometime!!!!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

i was flat out last night it was so late - had worked a 12 hours including driving 120 miles and hadn't intended to stay up. Just couldn't resist.
What do u do at uni?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi Philomel. I'm a mature student, hoping to return to the workforce after being a carer. I'm doing a conversion course. It's an M.Sc in Information Technology. The course takes a year, have just finished Semester 1, start Semester 2 next week. I'll be learning how to create Web pages, among other things.
If you like chat rooms I go to another gardening site which also has a chat room. Again it tends to be slightly late in the evening when the room becomes active, but it is earlier than Dave's. It's a much smaller site than Dave's and the chat room doesn't always have anyone there. But's a friendly site and it's free. Let me know if you want the details.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Hi again Northerner. it's a small world, i'm sort of thinking about an MSc and i'm still sort of a carer. i'd also like to learn how to create web pages, but i'll have to learn from books & friends i think.
I'd love to know about the other site you mention. Not necessarily for the chat, but just for the garden interest. i've really neglected my garden because of circumstances and joining DG has fired me with enthusiasm again.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi Philomel! Tried posting here this morning on my puter from home, puter didn't want to know about it... Back at uni now, finishing an essay.
I'm studying for an M.Sc in Information Technology at Teesside University. If you simply want to improve your IT skills there are a variety of courses, such as the ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) which local colleges will run. And of course there's the Open University, which provides a variety of courses. Good luck!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi Philomel! Tried posting here this morning on my puter from home, puter didn't want to know about it... Back at uni now, finishing an essay.
I'm studying for an M.Sc in Information Technology at Teesside University. If you simply want to improve your IT skills there are a variety of courses, such as the ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) which local colleges will run. And of course there's the Open University, which provides a variety of courses. Good luck!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Was half way through OU science degree when other things got in the way. If i go back now would like to go to a hands on uni. really so as to have more contact and discussion with other people. Happy doing what i'm doing at the moment and getting my life back. Though not at home any more, my sufferer still needs me.
Do lots of things outdoors, and now start gardening again. Never enough hours in the day!!
Your course sounds great. What do you think you'll fancy after, or just see what comes along? Are you doing it full time or part?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hmmm, my puter at home is still feeling offcolour. I'm studying full-time. Have a bursary that pays my fees and a small weekly allowance. I finish in September. I'd like to go in for teaching IT skills after that. Your OU courses will have given you some useful experience for whenever you decide you want to resume your studies.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sorry your puter's still unwell. And yes, i'm working in the field that interests me anyway, so no rush. Good luck with your studies. What're you up to in the garden at the moment? Or is u're weather as nasty as down here? Gales - bits of tree all over the roads etc Just ordered some seeds, so that'll keep me out of mischief :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Nothing in the garden at the moment. We have storms here! The climbing rose outside my window is looking a bit battered. I'll give it a little prune early March so no harm done. As soon as it gets to mid-February or so I like to be out. But won't have as much time this year - course is very demanding on my time.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Main things i'm aware of in the garden at the moment are all the things (like brambles and nettles) that need to come out before i can put in the choice things i'm now hankering after. Sounds as if it's nose to the grindstone time for both of us in different ways - but enjoyable :o)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Can't do anything at all in this weather Philomel. Wet and windy here, but not as bad as some parts of the country, Wales seems to have got badly hit.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, haven't heard the news, but we've had a lot of branches down etc. Yesterday had to divert a couple of times with them blocking roads, but they've been cleared today and the wind's dying down.
Just the time to be sitting in the warm planning for when we can get out there
Much damage round you?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

A tree or two down I think. Not on an of the roads I travel by though. I'll bet the coastal resorts near me will have it bad. It's dry here, for the moment, but the wind's blowing all over the place again. And THAT was my holiday week! Such a shame, I'd have liked a day or two out.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Ooooh and i bet you needed a break too, shame. i'm doing the weeding indoors as it's so nasty out. LOADS of stuff to clear out and reorganise - think it'll take me a couple of years. But i'll get there. Got to get it done asap so can get on in the garden when the weather cheers up.
Did u do anything good indoors while you were off? Films, books etc?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Not much. Had an essay to do (handed it in on Friday) and some appointments to arrange. Repairs needed round the house. Had to get my central heating seen to (pump for my gas boiler went - taking half my light circuits with it). Got that seen to. Need an outside security light seeing to - electrician has either changed number or gone out of business. A kitchen drawer has broken, means I need a joiner, one of my drains is starting to get blocked, and my washing machine won't work - got a load of washing in it. Washing machine is under guarantee - if I can find the details. Fed up.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sounds familiar! Domestic detail, but it tends to pop up and bite us in the *** when we could really do without it. i try and do without it as much as possible. But i think it's caught up with me too. Never mind, grin and bear it
{%o] Not sure if that one quite worked. Not bad if you lie down and look at it sideways LOL. or possibly not!!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi Philomel! Wrapped myself up and braved the elements. Had to ask one of my neighbours to help me, but we managed to get the drain flowing again. And washed it down with several buckets of water. Managed to contact my electrician
via my plumber (who'd given me the address originally) and got the electrician to come out later this week. Need my security light fixing and a light-socket changing.
No all I need is a joiner and a washing-machine repair man. Think the washing-machine is covered by insurance - when I can fish out the appropriate piece of paper. Annoying thing stopped working at the beginning of the cycle with a load of my undies in it and of course I can't get them out - staring at my undies.
And a drawer in the kitchen fell apart, no idea where to find a decent joiner,,,,,,sigh,,,another sigh.
I can wash clothes by hand for a few days.
Still not decent weather for gardening, too damp and cold, was glad to come in. Got fish pie heating up in the oven.
Think this is how to do an angel:
Well, it sorta works...

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

U've had quite a sunday haven't you? i'm impressed at how well your coping in the circumstances. Yum, the fish pie sounds tempting, but i think Middlesbro's a bit of a run from me. Would either be cold or dried up by the time i got there.
Not seen an angel before, am going to give it a go
Someone to watch over you lol!!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Gosh Diane are you in the wars again, its awful when the washing machine goes, we have just bought a new one, its a bosch it seems to be very good too.Mine only has a 12 month guarantee.We have had problems with our front door it has warped and hubby when trying to close it has took the posh brass door handle off, so had to go to the hardware store to get new screws etc, dont know when it will be refitted.LOL

Yes let us know all about this little site you go to, i go to one and both Alan and Peter have joined, not as big as DG.Dont really go anymore to GW, if i do i go to the Rose sites.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Oops. Got one wing wrong. Um, try again.
(O/) Better, but still doesn't look quite right. Maybe it looks better with a different font. They're fine in a chat room, they're only on the screen for a minute or two.
You'd enjoy the delph site, very friendly. The General Discussion Forum here is nice too.
Let's see if I've made a hyperlink for you.
I'm starting Web Design this week, Yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
Yes, this works...

This message was edited Sunday, Feb 3rd 2:28 PM

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

The angels look ok in the preview but they've got a wing missing when they come up in the real thread - oh well.
I tried the delph site but it was all a bit confusing so i came running back here
Well done with the hyperlink
I've just been doing battle with my scanner, the transparemcy attachment was being very temperamental. Anyway think i've won
which are the sites you go to Sheila. i must persevere!!

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