Elusive Seeds

Ocean View, HI(Zone 11)

I've recently become interested in a shrub/tree that grows in West Africa. Carpolobia lutea, better known as cattle stick, has been in the news as being helpful in the treatment of Alzheimer's. While I've found a small amount of information on the plant, I haven't come close to discovering a source of seeds. I'm hoping that someone on Dave's will have some helpful leads.

Brooklyn, NY

Hello, are you still searching for C. lutea?

Brooklyn, NY

Quote from skootsi :
I've recently become interested in a shrub/tree that grows in West Africa. Carpolobia lutea, better known as cattle stick, has been in the news as being helpful in the treatment of Alzheimer's. While I've found a small amount of information on the plant, I haven't come close to discovering a source of seeds. I'm hoping that someone on Dave's will have some helpful leads.

Are you still searching for C. Lutea seeds?

This message was edited Mar 9, 2019 7:46 PM

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