Exotic Hibiscus, Variegated Bleeding Heart + More to Trade

Vidor, TX

Hi everyone!
I am looking to expand my collection of tropical/exotic hibiscus, and I have many plants that you may be interested in trading me for! For a full list of all the plants I have available, please visit my online Etsy store: FromdiVineOrganics.Etsy.com!
I run a professional online business selling plants, and I am extremely familiar with selling and shipping plants.

Currently I have these plants on my "Want" list, but I am sure I would be interested in other species as well!

brugmansia brugmansia ''Strawberry Cream''
Camellia Lutchuensis
Crista de Galo Camptosema Grandiflora
(I am interested in red or blue varieties!)
Cestrum ''Orange Peel Night Jasmine''
Dianthus '"Duchess of Westminster"'
Euphorbia Milii '"Pink Marvel"'

Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis
''Anasazi Maiden''
''Bayou Rose''
''Bold Idea''
''Bon Temps''
''Cherry Appaloosa''
''Cindy's Heart''
''City Slicker''
'Creole Lady''
''Crystal Pink''
''Delicia Amoris''
''June's Dragon''
''Lepenk Compacta''
''Rum runner''
''Saffron Moon''
''Single Again''
'Stolen Kiss'
''Tres Bon''

Gardenia Jasmoides ''Grand Duke of Tuscany''
Jade Climber Strongylodon macrobotrys
Tabernaemontana Divaricata ''Variegata''
Trachelospermum Jasminoides

Thank you!

Thumbnail by Leximinton Thumbnail by Leximinton Thumbnail by Leximinton Thumbnail by Leximinton

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