Newish Northern CA Cockroach - help!

Sonoma, CA

Hi all, I've been finding a few of these newcomer cockroaches, Luridiblatta trivittata, on our deck and in our home in Sonoma, CA. Took me a while to identify them as I couldn't find any pics online! We keep our home very clean so I was a little shocked. I've read that they are a fairly new species to Northern California (Marin, Petaluma, Cotati areas) and actually prefer to be outside but have been known to invade homes/buildings, though information is limited. Has anyone seen any of these around their home? I'm a little paranoid about infestation and would love any advice re: how to get rid of these guys and keep them away from our home. We have children so I do not want to use pesticides. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Thumbnail by erinlou

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