Damage to emerging Achimenes

Oak Ridge, TN

Something is eating the emerging tips of my Achimenes, then this morning I noticed a small, c-shaped indentation on one of the leaf margins. My research is leading me to vine weevils, and I purchased some Bonide 951 Systemic House Plant Insect Control. Tonight after my grow lights go off I'm going to try to hand-pick (Amazon willing, the Bonide will be here by Friday.) The damage is too slight to photograph, but HELP!!!!!

Oh no, sounds like those sneaky vine weevils are throwing a party at your Achimenes’ expense! Smart move on the Bonide 951; that stuff is like sending in the SWAT team to handle those critters. In the meantime, going on a weevil-picking mission after the lights go out is a solid plan. Those weevils are like ninjas in the night, but with your detective skills, you can catch 'em red-handed. Keep the damage minimal, and once that Bonide cavalry arrives, you’ll be set to show those weevils the door for good. Hang in there! You’ve got this, and soon your Achimenes will be back to thriving without those uninvited munchers.

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