Finding Local Traders

Sandpoint, ID

Hi all. Is there anyway on Dave's Garden to find gardeners looking to trade plants that are in my local area? I want to trade without shipping plants. I see that I can search the trade lists for specific plants but unfortunately not for specific locations. Any insight on this or maybe something I am just not seeing? Thanks, Jessie

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Jessie, There's a member list with the town and state on it. It's at the top of this page. You could contact some of the listed members and see if they were interested in a trade. That is the best I can think of.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

You're right. I was being frustrated by that as well. The one guy reasonably nearby - as far as I can tell - who had the plant I was looking for never responded to my message, and I can't define my search by area... My other option is to pay for shipping from Hawaii. Ugh.

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