Deficiency in Lacinato Kale

Portland, OR

Two out of six of my Lacinato Kale is suffering from yellowing/slight browning on new growth. I am a completely organic grower who follows crop rotation cycles and annually applies inoculated wood chips as a mulch on my entire garden. I applied blood/ bone, kelp meal, worm castings, Sea 90 minerals and a lot of well-rotted compost before I mulched as a top dressing in March. New growth was lush and green until last week when I noticed this problem. Any thought as to what could be causing this problem?

Thumbnail by MCFnPNW503 Thumbnail by MCFnPNW503 Thumbnail by MCFnPNW503
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Possible interveinal chlorosis, especially if your soil is sandy, caused by magnesium deficiency. Try foliar feed spraying with one Tbs. mag sulfate (epsom salts) per gallon of water. If that's correct, the plants should begin to green up withjn a day or two. Epsom salts is cheap, available at the drug store and okay for your organic garden. If this is the probkem, it's only a temporary solution to a longer range problem.

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