Soaking seeds

Hooper, UT

Hi I started some Rose seedlings today and I was told to put them in warm water with a little bit of hydrogen peroxide and water before and soak them for two to three hours before I stratify them either in the fridge or however but they need cold stratification I did a lot of research before I purchase a seeds and I did find one of the customers that have purchased um and left a pretty good feedback and he sent me a picture of six Abyss plant so I know they grow but are the seeds supposed to float or sink when you soak

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Some people swear that the seeds that float are not viable. I don't know how true this really is though. In my experience, I have had seeds that floated when soaked germinate just as good as the ones that sank. Now more experienced gardeners may tell you otherwise. I think that even if the chance of germination is lower, I will still give them a chance. Tossing seeds because they floated seems like a waste to me.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

April ~ Let us know how you do, OK?

Sacramento, CA

I also have some rose seeds, Rosa glauca (rubrifolia), do you put the seeds in the freezer or the refrigerator- I've read both. Also, I happen to have some Super Smoke sheets has anyone ever tried that? I only have a few seeds and really want some of them to sprout.

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