Have: For SASE or TRADE

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Have: Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean Vine Seeds, for sase or trade. I am offering these here first. The Ruby Moon is a named variety of Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine. It is Beautiful and easy to grow. Debby

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi, I would love to get some of your seeds for sase.Please email me with your address and postage amount. Thanks.

Franktown, CO(Zone 5a)

I would love some! See my list under Deanne

Boise, ID(Zone 6a)

I'd love some too. Take a look at my list and see if I have anything you'd like and let me know.

Plato, MO(Zone 5a)

i would love to have a few also...any left?i've not much left to trade this year,but please check my list here a Daves.E-mail me :kd12togo@hotmail.com with your address and
iif you would like me to send you something..

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

If you have any left, I would like to send a SASe.

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

Hi Debby! We just did a trade a bit ago, so I don't know if I have anything else you'd like. If not, just let me know that and I will get an SASE in the mail to you for the Ruby Moon seeds. Thanks!

Spencerville, OH(Zone 5b)

I would love to have some, if any are left (SASE)

Anderson, TX(Zone 8a)

Count me in for SASE if you have any left.

St. augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm brand new at this, but would love some of your trumpet vine seeds. I am looking for something that would tolerate some shade and gardening info I have says this may be just the thing (there don't seem to be too many flowering vines that will tolerate part shade - anyone have any other suggestions for other climbing vines for part shade?) I have posted some seeds for trade, but am really just getting into this swap stuff so let me know if you want something on my list or I'll send if I should just send you a SASE.

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I would love to try some if you have any left. Let me know.

Round Lake, IL(Zone 5a)

I am assuming you have none left, but thought I would try. I loved my hyacinth vine here....moving and losing it all since it won't be up in time.

Would love some also for sase. Address??:)

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I could swap you some of the ruby hyacinth beans for some dwarf "bees" scarlet runner beans. They are supposed to be more compact.
Also, could you e-mail me in how these differ from the regular purple hyacinth bean, which I have already.

Dexter, MI(Zone 5b)

If you still have some left, Please view my list
and let me know if you'd like anything from me.
Otherwise, I'll do SASE. Please send info. :-)

Knowlesville, NY

Hi Debby
I would love to send SASE for the beans or can send Rox Orange Sorghum. Let me know.

battle creek, MI

hi debbie,
i would love some if you have any left? thanks bonny

Glasgow, KY(Zone 6a)

Me too! SASE or trade is fine with me. My list is under "sourdoughpete".

Saint Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

Debby, If there's anything left, I sure would love some seeds. Where to send the SASE??
Thanks, Laurie

Huron, TN

Debbie i would love some to email me thanks belinda

Gainesville, FL

Hi, count me in, too. Check my list and see if there is anything you would like to trade, otherwise I'd be happy to send a SASE.

Lexington, TN(Zone 7a)

Debbie,I'd like some for SASE or TRADE e-mail me.Thanks Nicole

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