Help with my Hybrid Marigolds

Chesapeake City, MD

Hi all,

First let me start off by saying I am new to the forums! This is my second year of gardening and my first gardening forum so if I do anything wrong please let me know and I apologize in advance. I have 6 Hybrid Marigolds that I am currently growing. The tips of their leaves are browning on me and they look very stressed. Here is some background information on them..

Hybrid type- French Vanilla Marigolds from Burpee.
Planted the seeds on Jan. 28th, they germinated within 48 hours and I transplanted them into bigger pots less then a week after planting the seeds. (They shot out of the soil and grew very fast)
I Planted them in Jiffy peat pellets and then transplanted them into Miracle Grow potting soil (yellow bag). I used a VERY WEAK transplant solution mix when I transplanted them because some of their roots were ripped when I removed the fabric from around the Jiffy peat pellet (I don't like planting them with that on the pellet, would rather just remove it).
Transplant date was Jan. 31st (13 days ago, today is Feb. 12th). Since then I have given them 2 feedings, once weekly, of Neptunes Harvest seaweed plant food (0-0-1). I have done the same process with all of my seedlings and these Marigolds are the ONLY ones that look stressed. I also have a Marigold dwarf hybrid that I'm growing from seed (ferry-morris) and they r doing awesome on the same maitenence routine. Oh and all of these were started and are currently under T5 grow lights. If anyone has any advice for me please give it! I'm a total novice but I have absolutely fell in love with growing from seed and want to learn everything I can soak up! Thanks guys!


There are 3 Pictures of the marigolds in question, one of which is actually doing ok. The other marigolds are my dwarf hybrid and just a picture of my setup. Also note how much of a "floppy" look the marigolds in question have.

Thumbnail by Stanza387 Thumbnail by Stanza387 Thumbnail by Stanza387 Thumbnail by Stanza387 Thumbnail by Stanza387
Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Welcome to the website. You will find lots of information here.
I'm not sure what is wrong with your marigolds, but I think I would back off on the fertilizing. They look pretty healthy.

Chesapeake City, MD

Quote from birder17 :
Welcome to the website. You will find lots of information here.
I'm not sure what is wrong with your marigolds, but I think I would back off on the fertilizing. They look pretty healthy.

Chesapeake City, MD

Quote from birder17 :
Welcome to the website. You will find lots of information here.
I'm not sure what is wrong with your marigolds, but I think I would back off on the fertilizing. They look pretty healthy.

Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

Two things I would try. First, don't fertilize them anymore until they outgrow this problem. There is already some in the potting mix. You seem to already be aware that too much fertilizer will burn seedlings.
Second, the pots look a little big so that maybe they are sitting in damp soil. Let the top of the soil dry out between watering and stick your finger into the soil and make sure it isn't just staying damp. You can try letting a fan blow for an hour but be aware all your pots will dry out faster.

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