What\'s eating my vine?

Key West, FL

My passionflower vine has these strange boils? on the leaves. It is nearby a tree, which is also having leaf issues. (I think the tree is Tabebuia) Nothing else in the garden is affected, and I can't find any pictures of leaves with similar problems..please help! I am in Key West, Zone 11B.

Thumbnail by cayohueso Thumbnail by cayohueso
Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

Since most pest and disease is host specific, it would really help to get a definite ID on the affected neighboring tree. Also, it would be good to see what the leaves look like in between the two phases you photographed.

The first picture looks like a type of leaf blister which can be caused by a fungus or a sucking insect in other plants. I see a white film on the leaves in your second picture. That looks like mildew to me unless the leaf have a natural white fuzz? I haven't grown passiflora in many years so I don't remember the leaves at all.

I cannot find a specific reference to passiflora with leaf blister but see similar diseases affecting other hosts. For example, Oak Leaf Blister, Peach Curl, Poplar Leaf Blister, Citrus Psyllid and Grapevine blister mite. That's why it would be good to know the neighboring tree. Diseases that are associated with passiflora known to distort leaf surface in passiflora include Cucumber Mosaic Virus, Passion Fruit Woodiness Virus and Gemini Virus. I can't say I've found a perfect photographic match that says "This is it".

The following two links have a lot of information on passiflora pest and disease:
https://hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/passionfruit.html#Pests and Diseases

Wish I could be more helpful but someone else here may be.

Key West, FL

I wish I could get a definitive ID on the tree, but no one seems to know what it is! Thank you for the info, much appreciated..:)

Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

You could always take pictures of the tree and post it on the Plant ID forum.
Best to include leaf showing margins and veining pattern, stems, flowers and /or fruit if you have it, overall picture, as much as you can get.

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