Fall color

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

We finally had a hard frost with temps in mid-20's the last couple nights.
Fall color will soon be coming to an end.
We actually had a really nice fall.
I thought I would post some pix from today.
#1 Fothergilla gardenia
#2 is Stewartia pseudocamellia
#3 is Enkianthus perulatus - the red is much redder than it looks in the picture.
I don't know why pictures sometimes don't convey the intensity of the color.
#4 is Pistachia chinense.

Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin
Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

A few more.
#1 an asarum swimming in a sea of Acer japonicum Aconitifolium leaves.
#2 Acer japonicum Aconitifolium
#3 Acer japoinicum
Finally #4 is my pitiful little Amsonia hubrichtii - newly planted this past spring, trying to recreate Loretta's fall color display. Seems it still has a ways to go...

Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin
Anna, IL(Zone 6b)

Beautiful, Beautiful fall colors there Weerobin. How old is your Fothergilla - as I have one and if the deer would have left it along, it might look like a little something. Mine really seems to grow SLOW, that is why I asked. Love your Acer japoinicum, what beauty. You Amsonia is worth the wait, give it a few years. I see mine have seeds on them this year.

Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow, I don't know which one is my favorite. Everything turned so perfectly. Your fothergilla looks great. Mine has been done for a couple of weeks and hasn't had a spectacular fall in a long time. I think it is in too much shade?

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

The fothergilla above is F. gardenii, not F major. My F major has never colored well. My F gardenii is in a pretty shady location - under high tree canopy, but gets some direct morning sun. I have planted some others over the years which petered out, so must be the right location for this guy. As for the deer, I have a Terrible deer problem but they don't bother my fothergilla. Those deer surely can have variable taste!

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

By the way, the wire cage lying next to the amsonia in the last picture is an indication that deer were mowing down my amsonia - I had to put the cage around it to protect it. We'll see if it can ever grow substantially enough to stand up to deer browsing.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Really nice fothergilla gardenii, Wee. Hey beautiful everything. My issue with the five I had was that rabbits would chew them to bits in the winter. Happily, they sucker like mad, so they would be replaced, but I finally started putting hardware cloth around them in the winter, which solved the problem.

Mine colored up nicely. It was on the north side of my house to the east side so it got morning sun. I also had very alkaline soil so I used Ironite on it twice a year. I miss them.

Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

I think my fothergilla is Blue Mist which is F gardenii. I did have a spectacular year or two but now it is muted in comparison.
Second was Acer Griseum
Third is Seven Sons Tree. You can see on the right side that my neighbor planted a pine seedling from arbor day right next to it.
Fourth is Aronia Viking - not such a dwarf. Almost lost this one last year. It has a lot of color but it starts losing its leaves starting in August so you get this slow turn and never a big show at once.
A cute little sargent viburnum leaf.

Thumbnail by Loretta_NJ Thumbnail by Loretta_NJ Thumbnail by Loretta_NJ Thumbnail by Loretta_NJ Thumbnail by Loretta_NJ
Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

1. Here is the coral bark maple.
2. Witch hazel Diane in the middle.
3. H Paniculata Unique does a nice evolution.

Wee, I've never seen Chinese Pistachio before. How did you come to it?

Thumbnail by Loretta_NJ Thumbnail by Loretta_NJ Thumbnail by Loretta_NJ
Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I've never noticed bunnies munching my fothergillas, but I've planted a few other ones which didn't make it - I think I'll blame bunnies rather than my gardening skills.
My witch hazels weren't that great this year - they are sometimes my most spectacular fall coloring plant - maybe I wasn't paying attention.
I haven't had luck keeping aronia happy - not sure why.
As for Pistachia chinense, I got mine many years ago, probably by mail. I have 3 trees, 2 are female, 1 male. They're 20ft tall. The female have the pretty berries & I think prettier fall color, though I'm not sure if my experience is universally true. The following pictures show female with fruit & reddish fall color. The last picture compares fall color of the male on the Rt and female on Lt.

Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin
Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

Those leaves look like flames. It's a very pretty tree. It's a new one for me. I have to see if I spot it anywhere.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I just stumbled on this thread and enjoyed it thoroughly...especially when everything here is a monochromatic white on white.

Wee, is your #3 Acer japonicum's fall display that intense?

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

This particular A japonicum is my King of Fall.
Absolutely reliable, spectacular color.
Mipii, you're such an enabler
- doesn't take much encouragement for me to post pictures!!
Pix from years past...
I absolutely recommend it for unbeatable fall display.

Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin Thumbnail by Weerobin
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Wow, I hope my drool doesn't dilute that color...

Staten Island, NY(Zone 6a)

Beautiful shots Weerobin. I always wish that my yard had room for trees .

Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

You said it, cytf.

I have a Terrible deer problem but they don't bother my fothergilla. Those deer surely can have variable taste!

they are sometimes my most spectacular fall coloring plant - maybe I wasn't paying attention.
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This message was edited Jun 9, 2021 3:42 AM

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