Pink-edged Sulphur (Colias interior)

(Sallie) Cherry Vall, IL(Zone 5a)

Thumbnail by SallieKr
Barling, AR(Zone 7b)

This looks like a white form female of Colias eurytheme - Orange Sulphur. Pink edged Sulphur does not have postmedian spots on the ventral hindwing which this specimen does.

(Sallie) Cherry Vall, IL(Zone 5a)

Quote from C_A_Ivy :
This looks like a white form female of Colias eurytheme - Orange Sulphur. Pink edged Sulphur does not have postmedian spots on the ventral hindwing which this specimen does.

I know now that I should have posted the 2 photos in the Bug ID forum first. I chased this one around for at least 10 minutes trying to get a good photo, but could never see what it looked like with it's wings open- which would have helped! Both this, and the 2nd photo, are of the same butterfly. Your comment on the other photo was "Looks like Clouded Sulphur to me since hindwing postmedian spots are present and no orange present above" Hopefully it will come back and I'll be able to get a decent pic. Thanks for your comments!

Barling, AR(Zone 7b)

I take thousands of butterfly pictures each year as a retirement hobby. It is not easy to get a good image since they move, lighting changes, and photo angle. Happy butterflying.

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