Need help to Id this, NOT a plant!

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

I know that some of you are thinking that I might be nuts for posting such a picture, but I have done sooo many web searches and I can't figure out what this is called! I know that it is a Bronze Buddha but I want to know more!!
You see, I FOUND this thing and I want to see if I have just found a heavy piece of "junk" or if I have something more valuable here. I thought if it turns out to be nothing I will probably just put it in my flower bed...but if it's worth a little something, I wouldn't want it to sit outside. I will post a second picture of the head, because I know this is a VERY fuzzy picture, but it gives you a fairly good idea of what I am talking about. so look for my 2nd pic and please try to help me out!


Thumbnail by MOLLYBEE
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