Need to relocate Hydrangea anomala

Belfast, ME

Need to relocate several Hydrangea anomala which in my ignorance I planted in sites that are to dry, hot and windy. Even tho I live in coastal Maine (z5) the top of a stone walls facing howling prevailing wind and sun was a really bad idea! They have been soldiering on bravely for 4-5 years but remain quite dwarf (3 ft wide 2 ft high) tho' green and flowering. To relocate them this fall, would root pruning them now, with extra watering inside the pruning ring , help? Any suggestions very welcome. Rather not kill them out right.....

Many thanks

Mary B
Belfast Maine

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Mary,

I would leave them where they are and move them in the spring before the leaf out.


Belfast, ME

No root pruning now to ease the transition in the Spring?

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

they are hardy plants

Belfast, ME

thanks very much

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