Agave just fell over without warning

Avondale, AZ

Does anyone know what might have happened to this large Agave? Could it have been hit by lightning and then toppled over a day or two later? I saw the security video of when it fell, nothing was around it and the center just fell over.

Thumbnail by bearnphx Thumbnail by bearnphx Thumbnail by bearnphx Thumbnail by bearnphx Thumbnail by bearnphx
Phoenix, AZ

Looks like a classic case of Agave Snout Weevil - I'll bet that the plant smells kind of stinky, too! Basically, the weevils get into the plant, start munching away, and leave a trail of bacteria as they go, also merrily laying eggs for more of the little buggers! If you have more agaves on your property, you need to treat for them NOW, and yank the dead agave out and dispose of it asap! You can find more info on this at:

It is controllable if you are diligent in following the protocol to kill the little beauties - best of luck!

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