Blue flower suggestions

Layton, NJ

Hello all, I'm looking for suggestions for a blue flower that I could plant in front of Shasta Daisies. I would like something about half the size of the daisies.

Thomaston, CT

I take it you want it to bloom at the same time the daisies are can get a small veronica, I have one about the same height as the daisies, and it's a pretty light blue.....I'm not sure of the height on balloon flowers, but I know there are some shorter campanulas that are quite blue.....

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

Here are several summer-blooming flowers in various shades of blue...
Peach-leaved bellflowers 24-30" mine are blue-violet
'Blue Mirror' Delphinium 18-24" haven't grown these but they are a true blue
Crested Gentian 8-12" blue-violet
'Hidcote' Lavender 18" mine are blue-violet
Myosotis semperflorens (Forget-me-not) 8-10" light blue, needs moist soil
Scabiosa 'Fama' 18-24" blue-violet divide every 3-4 yr
Stokesia 'Blue Danube' is a bright blue 12-18" high (my recommendation)

I don't recommend balloon flower for the front of a bed. Mine grew 18" high the first year and then "ballooned" to over 3 feet!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Cranesbill 'Johnson's Blue', there is a short Salvia called "Marcus' and there are various Campanula and there are some short Lavender varieties

Thomaston, CT

My blue balloon flowers are white ones are tall!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Balloon flowers come in different heights (we had both) and white and blue.

Blue is my favorite color, especially periwinkle or purplish blue, At one time we had forget-me-nots in the spring, balloon flowers in the summer and ajuga (I guess) in the fall. The forget-me-nots got mulched and forgot to come up (although they are consdiered an invasive) and gradually, the balloon flowers got mowed over or weed-whacked, Thie year the remains of the balloon flowers got moved and we're putting in plumbago (leadwort) which is gorgeous in the fall (now) but I don't know what we'll do in that area for blue in the summer. We're liking bugle weed--a cultivar we bought and didn't save the tag. Maybe purple brocade? Anyway, I'm hoping that it has blue flowers,

Thomaston, CT

Here's Heavenly Blue.....

Thumbnail by ROBINDOG
Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Campanula filiformis may be a little short, but would look nice. California bluebells, but that's an annual. I think grandiflorum delphs, suggested above, would be too tall.

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