Carrot Lore

Hillsdale, NY

I posted this 6/23 but it is invisible on the forum.

I planted carrots for the first time last month. Put in 30 seeds or so and pressed them down in a depression, watered them twice a day for 3 weeks. None grew.
So I started 30 or so seeds in the dark between wet paper towels, and five days later they were sprouted. I put them in the carrot row, barely sprinkled soil on them and watered them twice a day. Six days later I have 7 carrot plants.

Please make suggestions.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

We tend to lose posts...sometimes seasons interfere with ground sowing - if the critters and birds don't steal them from appear to have lousy germination rate on that particular carrot variety, too. Some of us add hydrogen peroxide to the water when verifying germination rates as it improves oxygenation to the seeds. NY has been warmer this year, my carrots always like a bit of coolness - I sow before soil temps are 50*,

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