Japanese maple leaves shriveling up

Atlanta, GA

I may have missed this answer but I just potted japanese maple in gritty mix. I have moved it to the shade and watering at least 2x/day. All of the leaves are now shriveling up. Is this the norm? (Have a feeling my root pruning was a disaster) Do I wait to fertilize with dyna pro (?) for 2 weeks? And if I mix with a gallon I water, how much of the gallon should I use at one time? Won't it drain out of container with water??? Thank you in advance for help as I am stuck on this one step and don't want to lose any time if it should be done immediately 😳 READ LESS

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Standard advice is not to fertilize for a few weeks after repotting, especially if there is root damage. Let the roots recover. It is good that the water (with or without fertilizer) drains out the bottom, otherwise the plant would drown.
I would just keep it in the shade for now, if it survives, do a bit of light fertilizing in July. Just pour the diluted fertilizer on until it runs out the bottom (Don't let it sit in a puddle, if you have a saucer under the pot empty the saucer).
If you keep fertilizing things in late summer and fall, sometimes they continue to have nice lush growth like springtime instead of "hardening up" for winter, then they won't survive winter.
it is also possible that twice a day is too much watering, it depends on your heat. You don't want it constantly soggy. Gritty mix should prevent this, probably, unless there is a saucer under it which collects liquid.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

If you truncated the root system while this plant was in full leaf, then that is why you have the reaction you are seeing. It leafed out in response to the root system it had to support that many leaves. When you cut off roots, it cannot absorb enough water to support that much foliage, and so in response it sheds leaves.

Keep the root system evenly moist as suggested, and your maple may re-leaf.

Atlanta, GA

Thank you both for your replies. Pistill-It is potted in gritty mix should I wait the standard 2 weeks for fertilizing? Also wondering if there are too many drainage holes in pot for the mix. Water drains immediately so maybe roots I do have aren't getting enough water? That was my thinking with fertilizer going thru to fast as well.
Viburnum Valley- assuming my root pruning was a disaster, any idea how long I need to give the tree to see if it will rebound?
Any chance either of y'all have any extra advice for a japanese maple in gritty mix and shriveling leaves?
Thanks so much for the help! Despite my over-researching, I'm. It having much luck :(
This is my first experience with using gritty mix and my first japanese maple.
Thanks again!!!!

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

The thing with gritty mix, it is designed to drain super well. I am not sure that this would be the preferred thing for a maple. However if you do water often enough, the plant should be just fine. I still think you should wait to fertilize, for a bit of recovery. None of this is for sure, however.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I think you will likely need the rest of the summer to determine if your plant will recover.

If you believe your soil mix drains too rapidly, you could mix in some water absorbent crystals that would hold some of the water and make it available to plant roots. I wouldn't fertilize any time soon, either.

Atlanta, GA

Thank you all for your advice!!!

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

You are welcome. Please share your results, regardless of outcome, so that others may learn.

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