Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates

Hello ,
I just received this beautiful plant last week as a gift from a close friend and soon dug up some info about , like how much water it needs and sunlight and all that . My friend who gave me the plant told me it needs to be watered once in two days , but the internet said once a week so that's what I did , but lately the leaves been tearing and curling , the tips are going brown and a little bit yellow like they are burned , the flowers are drooping and burned looking too and I don't know how to fix it or why it's happening . Please help

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Much internet advice is directed at people growing plants in more temperate climates. I would try watering every two days. The person who gave you the plant probably has found they need to be watered often, in your hot and dry location.

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