Red Rocket Crape Myrtle Leaves Turning Dark/Black

Austin, TX

Hi there! I'm hoping that some more experienced gardeners can offer some advice or solutions for my crape myrtle problem.

I purchase a 7-gallon Red Rocket crape myrtle from a well-reviewed nursery where I live in Austin, TX and planted it about a month ago. When I got it, the leaves were all nice and green. However, in the past week, a good amount of leaves have turned a dark black color (see pics). There's nothing on the leaves, like sooty mold. They're just turning black!

I flooded the tree when I first planted it and have been watering it about 3 times per week. I have clayey soil and live on a newly developed lot. When I planted, I added compost to the soil, as per nursery advice. However, it was pretty hard to mix the compost into the clay soil texture, so I probably wound up creating a bit of a layered effect of clay/compost. I also felt like there may be more bug bites on the leaves than I thought were present when I first bought the tree (if that means anything).

I am a totally clueless beginner when it comes to plant life. I've never kept any plant I owned alive for more than a month and am really worried that I've failed yet again. As an adult, I've always lived in apartments, but I recently purchased my first home. Now, I must keep a whole yard and lots of other plants alive, and I just don't know what the hell I'm doing.

Thumbnail by Nickles Thumbnail by Nickles

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