Plant/Vine ID Help Please

Knoxville, TN(Zone 8a)


My wife and I have been clearing out the overgrown area in front of our new(ish) home all winter. We have Wisteria vines all over which we want to keep. This vine though, we're not sure of. It's a huge vine we cut out of the trees and now the base is sprouting like crazy in multiple spots after recent rains.

What is it?

Thumbnail by GrovePark Thumbnail by GrovePark
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

That's one of the Grape species - Vitis sp.

Pineville, SC

That is Wisteria Vines. And they can run you out of the neighborhood! SusanLauer

Pineville, SC

I have a plant that last year I found one, it looked like a baby Poinsettia, but green with brown spots. Only the two seed leaves didn't have the same shape, with that scoop out of the sides of the leaves. I thought it might be an ancestor of the early Poinsettia's, but then it flowered which was a cluster of white tiny flowers about the size of a dime. Plant was about 15" by then. A second one came up before frost. I showed it to everyone here, no ideas. Well this year I have thousands of them! I like them, weeds or not, and put several into pots or move them together into groups. Here are 2 babies about 4 inches tall today. Susan Lauer

Thumbnail by SusanLauer
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Look close in the first picture. Rising up above the compound-leaved Wisteria is a big simple-leaved vine with brownish-green leaves, which is a Grape species. You can zoom in and see the tendrils - which no Wisteria has.

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