Seattle tree trip

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

momlady and I are planning an excursion to Seattle next Saturday. She is trying to decide on trees to plant in her new yard. I have a book called "Trees of Seattle", the author actually tells you where to see each kind of tree! So we are going to make a map and drive around, at some point probably going to the Locks, and likely ending up at the Arboretum (after all, gotta see what is for sale in their greenhouses...). I will volunteer to drive, and there is room for two more in my car in anyone is crazy enough to want to go along!

Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I'm jealous! Wish I was closer so I could horn in on your adventure. Is that the Arthur Lee book Pistil? I used that as a reference when searching for a new front yard tree.

I'm on the hunt for a nice japanese maple to add to the front yard, but DH has kiboshed more projects until I finish what I've started. LOL.

Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, Arthur Lee Jacobson. He has several books, seems like an interesting fellow. We will drive by his house-he has a little business, consulting, pruning, tours, and has plant sales.
For me it can be helpful to have a few limits, to stay on track on projects, both inside and outside of the house! I have a little volunteer purple cutleaf Japanese Maple from the neighbors tree, it is about 6 inches tall, I am going to dig it up and give it to my sister. Maybe you could look around near Japanese Maples in the yards of friends and neighbors, see if you could get a freebee.

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