What fruit do you wish for

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 8a)

What fruit do you wish you could grow in your area? My number one would be Mangosteen. I love this fruit. This small bag cost me $17.00. For me that is a lot of money. It has been 4 years since I had one. Fresh ones are very hard to find. I can find the ones in the can with heavy syrup and they are awful. I love tropical fruits. I would also love to be able to grow.
Sweet Tamarind

Thumbnail by weeding
Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

Well, I have had Mango. I have had Lycee, but preserved not fresh. The rest are strangers to me. I have never met a fresh fruit I didn't like.
My wish list is less exotic - I guess I would like to have a pecan, but we are a little too far north and I don't have the space. I have tried growing a Lemon as a house plant, but it has been a struggle and I only got a lemons once.
You might try Logee's and see what exotics they have that could be grown as a houseplants.

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